Photo  An upcycled spin caddy from a 3D filament spool to hold soldering and lights supplies A famous Chinese proverb says, One must have good tools in order to do a good job.  Though there are other versions/translations, I find this one...
August 11, 2022 was launched on July 24, 2020. Choosing to host my online shop instead of better known brands such as Wix, Godaddy, Shopify, etc. is because I love the name "Indiemade".  It represents rather well the...
July 22, 2021
As a DIYer and maker of all sorts, I use painter's tapes a lot.  I simply need to organize them better rather than allowing them to stack on top of one another.  Each tape of a specific width deserves a dispenser on its own so it can be...
August 30, 2020